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How to keep the holiday feeling

During the holiday you intensely enjoy your breakfast, a glass of wine in the sun and the beauty of nature. You decide to keep this holiday feeling for a while and to slow down a bit in the coming year. However, when someone asks you about your holidays after one week you have to think hard. The holidays seem to be long ago already. Where has the holiday feeling gone to?

The new environment during the holidays makes us more aware of our experiences. Smelling, seeing, tasting, hearing and feeling. Our senses are stimulated in a new way, which makes us enjoy the moment intensively. We see different streets, observe people with other habits and behaviour, taste special foreign dishes and smell the air of another surrounding. Back in the Netherlands we get trapped in the auto pilot again.

Do you recognize this? Are you also busy again accomplishing what is on your to-do list? In that case Mindfulness might be valuable for you. Mindfulness is about experiencing the moment with more awareness. Tasting, seeing, hearing, smelling and feeling, but with awareness instead of on the auto pilot. Exactly like during the holidays. And by doing that Mindfulness can help to enjoy the little moments more in your daily life outside the holidays. Attention is the secret behind and attention can be trained using several meditation exercises.

Are you curious about what Mindfulness can do for you? Today there will be a free Mindfulness workshop in Vroesenpark in Rotterdam. We meet at 11.30 am at Metro Blijdorp and walk to the park together. Do you already have other plans? Don’t worry, there will be two other free workshops on Thursdag 20th and Tuesday 25th of August at 7.30 pm. Please subscribe if you want to participate in the evening workshops by sending an e-mail to or call 0650617369. If Rotterdam is to far away and you want to practice with Mindfulness exercises yourself, please send me an e-mail and I can give you some suggestions.

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